2-7-7-43-usloviya-zapominaniya-kodov-neispravnosti-kratkosrochnoe-regulirovanie-sostava-smesi.html Conditions of storing of codes of malfunction (short-term regulation of structure of a mix)EBU brings one of codes of malfunction in memory and includes a control lamp of malfunction of a control system of the engine if during 30 with in two cycles of driving value of short-term regulation of structure of a mix changes for 10–15 % towards enrichment (for Р01123) or if additional value of short-term regulation less than 0,4 milliseconds, or changes for 10–15 % towards pauperization in the presence of the following conditions:
– EBU works in the closed cycle of regulation;
– frequency of rotation of a cranked shaft of the engine is lower than 1000 mines-1;
– the temperature of cooling liquid is higher than 70 °C;
– the system of a purge of an adsorber does not operate;
– a mass consumption of air less than 7,5 g / with (at Р01123) or 5,5 g / with (at Р1124).